The digital companion to the Triple Nickel
146.555 Louisville, Ky
The Triple Nickel is the frequency 146.555 in and around Louisville, Kentucky. The Triple Nickel Simplex Net is hosted at 7:30 pm every Wednesday. It is an informal net with the purpose of allowing hams to test and improve their station's simplex capabilties. Come join the net, join the facebook group, and enjoy the hobby.
The US-TripleNickel is a multi-mode reflector used by hams to test out their digital abilities and communicate with friends.
The Yaesu System Fustion US-TripleNickel reflector is hosted locally. If you have an openspot, pi-star, etc. This is the connection to make with your Yaesu System Fusion Radio
TG 3160778 on TGIF
Currently we are using the TGIF DMR Network. Previously it was Brandmeister, but the analog bridge would lock the DMR Bridge automatically if someone was not solid with RF (causing more than 6 keyups in 1 minute blocks the user on BM).
KE9CG-L (792010)
Echolink is connected through AllStarLink and adds the ability to use Computers, iPhones, and Androids (with the Echolink app) to connect to the US-TripleNickel.
Node 543130
The AllStarLink node was added to link the reflector to Echolink. The public node has the link connected to it while a private node does the digital conversion and connects it to the DMR TG.
XLX065C, XRF065C, or DCS065C
The D-Star reflector XLX065 C module is linked to the US-TripleNickel via YSF2DMR.